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Rolls-Royce u čast Ibn al-Haithama
Rolls-Royce je prije nekoliko dana pokazao, bolje je reći možda, obznanio, Bespoke kolekciju za sve modele. Suhail kolekcija ...
... se nudi za modele Phantom, Phantom Coupé, Ghost i Wraith, a Suhail Hadar (Zeta Puppis, Naos) je ime jedne od najsjajnijih zvijezda koje se vide sa naše planete.
A otkud ovo?
Vjeruje se da je ova zvijezda bila jedna od inspiracija za arapskog matematičara, astronoma i fizičara po imeni Ibn al-Haitham (najpoznatija knjiha je Kitab al-Manazir - Knjiga o optici, 10. stoljeće), i Rolls-Royce je ovu kolekciju posvetio njemu, i njegovom uticaju na nauke zapada i istoka. Ovo je rekao šef RR-a Torsten Müller-Ötvös.
Rolls-Royce has unveiled its first ever Bespoke Collection offered for the entire family of models. The Suhail Collection will be offered for Phantom, Phantom Coupé, Ghost and Wraith models, and is inspired by Suhail (one of the brightest star in the sky).
Why Suhail?
Suhail Hadar (known also as Zeta Puppis and Naos), it is belived, is inspired 10th Century Arabic mathematician, astronomer and physicist Ibn al-Haitham (most known book he written is the Book of Optics - Kitab al-Manazir). “Ibn al-Haitham was a notable pioneer whose scientific achievements represented a turning point in the history of science. We felt the Suhail constellation was the perfect inspiration for a very special Bespoke collection to celebrate his influence on Eastern and Western science,” - Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.